Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology
University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
+44(0)1392 723304
I am a philosopher at the University of Exeter. I work in philosophy of mind and cognitive science on topics like emotions, sociality, psychopathology, and human-AI interactions. Sometimes, I also write about comparative philosophy and music.
Emotion regulation and technologies of world-making: music and AI chatbots as “grief tech”. In The Phenomenology of Emotion Regulation: Feeling and Agency.
Home as mind: AI extenders and affective ecologies in dementia care. Synthese.
Expanding the Phenomenology of Social Anxiety Disorder: Loneliness, Absence, and Bodily Doubt. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology (w/Lucy Osler & Tom Roberts).
Real feeling and fictional time in human-AI interactions. Topoi. (w/Tom Roberts).
Selves beyond the skin: Watsuji, “betweenness”, and self-loss in solitary confinement and dementia. Journal of Consciousness Studies.
Ontological deprivation and the dark side of fudō: a commentary on David W. Johnson’s Watsuji on Nature: Japanese Philosophy in the Wake of Heidegger. Philosophy Today.
Vieses Implícitos, Hábitos Corporificados e Nichos de Desenvolvimento (Implicit Bias, Embodied Habits, and Developmental Niches). Síntese: Revista de Filosofia. (w/Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho)
An ecological approach to affective injustice. Philosophical Topics.
Introduction: Loneliness. Topoi. (w/Axel Seeman, Emily Hughes, & Tom Roberts)
Affordances and spatial agency in psychopathology. Philosophical Psychology.
Biases in niche construction. Philosophical Psychology. (w/Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho)
Loneliness and absence in psychopathology. Topoi. (w/Lucy Osler & Tom Roberts).
Music and empathic spaces in therapy and improvisation. In Empathy and Ethics. (w/Jannik Mosekjær Hansen & Simon Høffding).
Editor’s Introduction. Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions. (w/Alfred Archer, Heidi Maibom, Max Gatyas, & Lucy Osler).
Editorial: The shape of lives to come. Frontiers in Psychology. (w/Michelle Maiese,Arran Gare, Julian Kiverstein, Joel Krueger, & Robert Hanna).
Communing with the dead online: chatbots, grief, and continuing bonds. Journal of Consciousness Studies. (w/Lucy Osler).
Making space for creativity: niche construction and the artist’s studio. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (w/Jussi Saarinen).
Musical agency and collaboration in the digital age. In Collaborative Embodied Performance: Ecologies of Skill. (w/Tom Roberts).
ProAna worlds: Affectivity and echo chambers online. Topoi. (w/Lucy Osler)
Affordances and absence in psychopathology. In Affordances in Everyday Life.
Taking Watsuji online: Betweenness and expression in online spaces. Continental Philosophy Review. (w/Lucy Osler).
Loving nature with Candiotto and Watsuji. Constructivist Foundations.
The Mind-Body Politic and affective institutions online. Commentary on Maiese's and Hanna's The Mind-Body Politic.
The phenomenology of voice hearing and two concepts of voice. In Voices in Psychosis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. (w/Sam Wilkinson).
James, nonduality, and the dynamics of pure experience. In Pragmatist Feminism and the Work of Charlene Haddock Seigfried.
Finding (and losing) one’s way: Autism, social impairments, and the politics of space. Phenomenology and Mind.
Loneliness and the emotional experience of absence. The Southern Journal of Philosophy. (w/Tom Roberts).
Enactivism, other minds, and mental disorders. Synthese.
Agency and atmospheres of inclusion and exclusion. In Atmospheres and Shared Emotions.
Towards a wide approach to improvisation. In Philosophy of Improvisation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Theory and Practice. (w/Alessandro Salice).
Out of our heads: Addiction and psychiatric externalism. Behavioural Brain Research. (w/Shane Glackin & Tom Roberts).
Agency, environmental scaffolding, and the development of eating disorders - commentary on Rodemeyer. In Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. (w/Lucy Osler).
Lost in the socially extended mind: Genuine intersubjectivity and disturbed self-other demarcation in schizophrenia. In Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. (w/Tom Froese)
Watsuji, intentionality, and psychopathology. Philosophy East and West.
Schizophrenia and the scaffolded self. Topoi.
Merleau-Ponty. In The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotions.
Engineering affect: emotion regulation, the internet, and the techno-social niche. Philosophical Topics.
Psychiatry beyond the brain: externalism, mental health, and autistic spectrum disorder. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology. [pdf] (w/Tom Roberts & Shane Glackin)
Watsuji's phenomenology of aidagara: An interpretation and application to psychopathology. In Tetsugaku Companion to Phenomenology and Japanese Philosophy. [pdf]
Music as affective scaffolding. In Music and Consciousness II.
Musical empathy, from simulation to 4E interaction. In Music, Speech, and Mind. [pdf] (w/Dylan van der Schyff).
Introduction: Empathy, shared emotions, and social Identity. (w/Thomas Szanto).
Krueger, J. & Maiese, M. (2018). Mental institutions, habits of mind, and an extended approach to autism. Thaumàzein, special issue: “Psychopathology and Philosophy in relation to the Existence of Human Beings”. 6:10-41. [pdf]
Krueger, J., & Colombetti, G. (2018). Affective affordances and psychopathology. Discipline Filosofiche, special issue: "Philosophical perspectives on affectivity and psychopathology", eds. Anna Bortolan and Alessandro Salice. 18.2: 221-247. [pdf]
Miłkowski, M., Clowes, R., Rucińska, Z., Przegalińska, A., Zawidzki, T., Gies, A., Krueger, J., McGann, M., Afeltowicz, L., Wachowski, W., Stjernberg, F., Loughlin, V., Hohol, M. (2018). From wide cognition to mechanisms: a silent revolution. Frontiers in Psychology. 9.2393:1-17. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2018). Direct social perception. In Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition, eds. Albert Newen, Leon de Bruin, and Shaun Gallagher. Oxford University Press. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2018). Intentionality. In Oxford Handbook of Phenomenological Psychopathology, eds. Giovanni Stanghellini et al. Oxford University Press. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2018). Musical worlds and the extended mind. In Proceedings of A Body of Knowledge - Embodied Cognition and the Arts conference CTSA UCI, 8-10 Dec 2016. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2018). Musical scaffolding and the pleasure of sad music: Comment on “An Integrative Review of the Enjoyment of Sadness Associated with Music” by Tuomas Eerola et al. Physics of Life Reviews. [pdf]
Colombetti, G., Krueger, J., and Roberts, T. (2018). Editorial: Affectivity beyond the skin. Frontiers in Psychology. 9.1307: 1-2. [pdf]
Poletti, M., Gebhardt, E., Krueger, J., and Raballo, A. (2017). Rethinking social agent representation in the light of phenomenology. Clinical Psychological Science. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2017). James on pure experience. In Understanding James, Understanding Modernism, ed. David Evans. Bloomsbury: 291-292. [pdf]
Krueger, J. and Szanto, T. (2016). Extended emotions. Philosophy Compass. 11: 863-878. [pdf]
Krueger, J. and Henriksen, Mads Gram. (2016). Embodiment and affectivity in Moebius Syndrome and Schizophrenia: A phenomenological analysis. In Phenomenology for the 21st Century, eds. J. Aaron Simmons and James Hackett. Palgrave Macmillan: 249-267. [pdf]
Krueger, J. and Taylor-Aiken, A. (2016). Losing social space: Phenomenological disruptions of spatiality and embodiment in Moebius Syndrome and Schizophrenia. In Phenomenology and Science, eds. J. Reynolds and R. Sebold. Palgrave Macmillan: 121-139. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2016). Extended mind and religious cognition. In Religion: Mental Religion. Part of the Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Religion series, ed. Niki Kasumi Clements. Famington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA: 237-254. [pdf]
Høffding, S. and Krueger, J. (2016). The first-person perspective and beyond: Commentary on Almaas. Journal of Consciousness Studies. 23.1-2: 158-178. [pdf]
Michael, J., Bogart, K., Tylen, K., Krueger, J., Bech, M., Østergaard, J. R., Fusaroli, R. (2015). Training in compensatory strategies enhances rapport in interactions involving people with Möebius Syndrome. Frontiers in Neurology. 6.213:1-11. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2015). Musicing, materiality, and the emotional niche. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education. 14.3:43-62. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2015). Empathy beyond the head: Comment on "Music, empathy, and cultural understanding" by E. Clarke et al. Physics of Life Reviews. 15:92-93. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2015). The affective 'we': Self-regulation and shared emotions. In The Phenomenology of Sociality: Discovering the 'We', eds. Thomas Szanto and Dermot Moran. London, New York: Routledge: 263-280. [pdf]
Colombetti, G., and Krueger, J. (2015). Scaffoldings of the affective mind. Philosophical Psychology. 28.8:1157-1176.[pdf]
Krueger, J. (2015). At home in and beyond our skin: Posthuman embodiment in film and television. In Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television, eds. Thomas Philbeck, Curtis Carbonell, and Michael Hauskeller. Palgrave Macmillan: 172-181. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2014). Musical manipulations and the emotionally extended mind. Empirical Musicology Review. 9.3-4: 208-212. [pdf]
Woods, A., Jones, N., Bernini, M., Callard, F., Alderson-Day, B., Badcock, J., Bell, V., Cook, C., Csordas, T., Humpston, C., Krueger, J., Laroi, F., McCarthy-Jones, S., Moseley, P., Powell, H., Raballo, A., Smailes, D., Fernyhough, C. (2014). Interdisciplinary approaches to the phenomenology of auditory verbal hallucinations. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 40.Suppl 40: S246-S254. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2014). Varieties of extended emotions. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 13.4: 533-555. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2014). Dewey's rejection of the emotion/expression distinction. In Neuroscience, Neurophilosophy and Pragmatism: Understanding Brains at Work in the World, eds. Tibor Solymosi and John Shook. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 140-161. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2014). Affordances and the musically extended mind. Frontiers in Psychology. 4.1003:1-12. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2014). Emotions and the social niche. In Collective Emotions, eds. Christian von Scheve and Mikko Salmela. New York: Oxford University Press: 156-171. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2014). Emotions and other minds. In Interiority/Exteriority: Rethinking Emotions, eds. Rüdiger Campe and Julia Weber. New York: Walter de Gruyter: 323-349. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2014). The phenomenology of person perception. In Neuroscience, Literature, and History, eds. Mark Bruhn and Donald Wehrs. New York: Routledge: 153-173. [pdf]
Krueger, J., Bernini, M., and Wilkinson, S. (2014). Introspection, isolation and construction: Mentality as activity. Commentary on Hurlburt, Heavy & Kelsey (2013), "Toward a Phenomenology of Inner Speaking". Consciousness and Cognition. 25:9-10 [pdf]
Michael, J., Bogart, K., Krueger, J., Bech, M., Rosendahl Ostergaard, J., Fusaroli, R. (2014). Control and Flexibility of Interactive Alignment: Mobius Syndrome as a Case Study. Cognitive Processing 15.1,S: S125–26. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2013). Merleau-Ponty on shared emotions and the joint ownership thesis. Continental Philosophy Review. 46.4: 509-531. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2013). Ontogenesis of the socially extended mind. Cognitive Systems Research. 25-26:40-46. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2013). Phenomenology and the visibility of the mental. Annual Review of the Phenomenological Association of Japan. 29:13-25. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2013). Empathy, enaction, and shared musical experience: evidence from infant cognition. In The Emotional Power of Music: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Musical Expression, Arousal and Social Control, eds. Tom Cochrane, Bernardino Fantini, and Klaus R. Scherer. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 177-196. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2013). The space between us: embodiment and intersubjectivity in Watsuji and Levinas. In Levinas and Asian Thought, eds. Leah Kalmanson, Frank Garrett, and Sarah Mattice. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press: 53-78. [pdf]
Overgaard, S. and Krueger, J. (2013). Social perception and "Spectator Theories" of other minds. Commentary on Schilbach et al. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 36.4: 434-435. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2013). Watsuji’s phenomenology of embodiment and social space. Philosophy East and West. 63.2: 127-152. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2013). Empathy. In Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, ed. Byron Kaldis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications: 246-249. [pdf]
Varga, S. and Krueger, J. (2013). Background emotions, proximity, and distributed emotion regulation. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology. 4.2: 271-292. [pdf]
McCarthy-Jones, S., Krueger, J., Broome, M., and Fernyhough, C. (2013). Stop, look, listen: The need for philosophical phenomenological perspectives on auditory verbal hallucinations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:127: 1-9. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2012). Seeing mind in action. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 11.2:149-173. [pdf]
Krueger, J. and Michael, J. (2012). Gestural coupling and social cognition: Möbius Syndrome as a case study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6.81:1-14. [pdf]
Krueger, J. and Overgaard, S. (2012). Seeing subjectivity: Defending a perceptual account of other minds. ProtoSociology: Consciousness and Subjectivity, 47: 239-262. [pdf]
Raballo, A. and Krueger, J. (2011). Phenomenology of the social self in the prodrome of psychosis: From perceived negative attitude of others to heightened interpersonal sensitivity. European Psychiatry, 26.8: 532-533. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2011). Extended cognition and the space of social interaction. Consciousness and Cognition, 20.3: 643-657. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2011). Enacting musical content. In Situated Aesthetics: Art beyond the Skin, ed. Riccardo Manzotti. Exeter: Imprint Academic: 63-85. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2011). Doing things with music. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10.1: 1-22. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2011). The who and the how of experience. In Self, No-Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and Indian Traditions, eds. Dan Zahavi, Evan Thompson, and Mark Siderits. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 27-55. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2010). James Austin’s Selfless Insight: Zen and the Meditative Transformations of Consciousness (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009), in Journal of Consciousness Studies 17.9-10, 2010: 240-244. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2010). Philosophy of mind. In Encyclopedia of Identity (Vols. 1-2), ed. Ronald Jackson, II. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage: 565-569. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2010). Radical enactivism and inter-corporeal affectivity. In The Embodied Self: Dimensions, Coherence, and Disorders, eds. Thomas Fuchs, Heribert Sattel, and Peter Heningnsen. Stuttgart: Schattauer: 66-70. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2009). Empathy and the extended mind. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, special issue on “The Extended Mind and Religious Thought”, 44.3: 675-698. [pdf]
Legrand, D., Grunbaum, T., and Krueger, J. (2009). Dimensions of bodily subjectivity. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 8.3: 279-283. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2009). Enacting musical experience. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 16.2-3: 98-123. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2009). Knowing through the body: The Daodejing and Dewey. The Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 36.1: 31-52. [pdf]
Krueger, J. and Legrand, D. (2009). The open body. In Enacting Intersubjectivity: Paving the Way for a Dialogue Between Cognitive Science, Social Cognition, and Neuroscience, eds. Antonella Carassa, Francesca Morganti, and Guiseppa Riva. Lugano: Universita della Svizzera Italiana: 109-128. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2008). Levinasian reflections on somaticity and the ethical self. Inquiry, 51.6: 603-626. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2008). Nishida, agency, and the self-contradictory body. Asian Philosophy, 18.3: 213-229. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2008). A Daoist critique of Searle on mind and action. In Searle’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement, ed. Bo Mou. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers: 97-123. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2008). Ethical education as bodily training: Kitaro Nishida’s moral phenomenology of “acting-intuition.” In Educations and their Purposes: A Conversation Among Cultures, eds. Roger T. Ames and Peter D. Hershock. Honolulu: Hawaii University Press: 325-334. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2007). William James and Kitaro Nishida on “Pure Experience”, Consciousness, and Moral Psychology. Ph.D. dissertation, Purdue University, 2007. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2007). Consciousness. In Encyclopedia of American Philosophy, eds. John Lachs and Robert Talisse. New York: Routledge. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2007). Stream of consciousness. In Encyclopedia of American Philosophy, eds. John Lachs and Robert Talisse. New York: Routledge. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2006). Concrete consciousness: A Sartrean critique of functionalist accounts of mind. Sartre Studies International, 12.2: 44-60. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2006). James on experience and the extended mind. Contemporary Pragmatism, 3.1: 165-176. [pdf]
Krueger, J. (2006). The varieties of pure experience: William James and Kitaro Nishida on consciousness and embodiment. William James Studies, 1.1. [link]